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Emmett Blazier

     In 1974, The Harvard Jay-C-Ettes; Kathy Parent, Marty Stolz, Carol Koltz, Jackie Slavin, Robyn Dennis, Kenneth Luckow, Craig Pyper, Richard Doss, Robert Swords, and Beverly Carlson founded the Harvard Educational Recreational Softball (HERS) league. They wanted to create a league that was affordable and was a no-cut league. Their goal was to provide fun while learning how to play, no matter their skill or experience level.

     A local resident named Emmett Blazier donated the funds to get the league started. In the first year of HERS, approximately 170 girls were able to play softball.

 The City of Harvard later helped purchase the lights for the fields. Volunteers and sponsors have graciously helped HERS build a snack shack and the new dugouts on the large field. The HERS commission and coaches are made of volunteers and rely on sponsors and donations.

     Mickey Ulmer, a commissioner for over 24 years said “I love seeing the new ones come in and watching them get their first hit-they are so proud. But then I get to see them play through high school and so many come back to coach or bring their own children through the organization. They learn that winning isn’t everything. They learn relationship skills and learn to be the best they can be”

     David Sunden, a long-time board member who has coached his daughters and granddaughters said, “There is nothing like seeing a girl who has never played softball or caught anything with a glove or hit a ball and seeing them do that for the first time. They are ecstatic. The enthusiasm and confidence gained on the field carries on into daily life and that is why a priority for the HERS is to be able to provide an affordable option for learning the sport”

     In 2022 HERS had approximately 150 players with several of the girls playing Spring, Summer, and Fall. Just over 55 people played in the 2022 scholarship tournament.

     HERS has become home for many girls. As well as a place of entertainment and fun for fans, parents and the community. After 48 years, HERS shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.


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